Having been a windows user for the most part of my life - switching to a mac had its own sets of challenges, especially when it was going to be my go-to machine in terms of work and leisure. While I'm still getting used to the Mac environment, one thing that I miss, is the ability to create simple text files anywhere by right-clicking and selecting a menu option or a keyboard shortcut. Mac Automator to the rescue. Mac Automator lets you automate repetitive tasks by simply dragging built-in actions and creating a workflow to achieve a task. It also lets you define your own custom actions using AppleScripts. Firstly open the Automator app in your mac and select File > New . Next, select the type of your document as Quick Action . Change the Workflow receives to - no input in Finder. Leave the rest of the options as it is. The top section should look like this Next, add a javascript, in order to find the current location i